
Papers will be presented orally and as electronic posters at the 21st National Congress of the Turkish Society of Intensive Care Specialists and the 13th Afro-Eurasian Meeting.

Abstracts should include rare cases or interesting situations in animal or human research discussing intensive care and critical care results, or high-quality case reports. Abstracts must adhere to universal ethical standards. Ethics committee approvals for clinical research and compliance with our country's laws will be required.

Committee has the right to accept or reject the paper based on its content and, if accepted, to change the presentation format. Case presentations will not be accepted as oral presentations.

Abstracts Submission Rules Gönderme Kuralları:

  • Abstracts should be submitted through the online paper system on the congress page. Abstracts submitted by email or mail will not be accepted.
  • Initially, registration as a new user is required. Please ensure that all information, especially the email address, is correctly recorded during registration.
  • Submitted abstracts must not have been presented at any national meeting before and must not have been published in a national/international journal.
  • Abstracts should be uploaded in Turkish or English and should not exceed 400 words, excluding title and author information.
  • Use Arial format with 11-point font, including tables or figures.
  • Abbreviations in the abstract content should be clearly written when first used.
  • The title should be in bold and without abbreviations.
  • Authors: Names and affiliations should be entered separately. Relevant authors should provide email and phone numbers for communication. Academic titles should not be used for author names.
  • Paper abstracts should include the following sections, and the content of each section should be written in the space provided on the online abstract registration page.

1. Case Reports and Case Series:

  • Introduction
  • Case(s)
  • Discussion and Conclusion
  • References (if any)

2. Research Studies:

  • Introduction and Aim
  • Patients and Methods
  • Findings
  • Discussion and Conclusion
  • References (if any, maximum 2 references, Vancouver style)
  • Keywords: Up to 5 keywords in accordance with MeSH.
  • A high-resolution jpeg or png format table or figure should be uploaded. The table title should be written above, and the figure title should be written below the figure.

Evaluation of Abstracts

  • All papers will be subject to peer and blind evaluation by the Paper Evaluation Committee. Committee members will examine the content, language, and innovative contributions to the literature of the abstracts. The acceptance of an abstract will be made after the referee's evaluation. The Congress Organization Committee reserves the right to make the final decision on the presentation format, and the decision will be communicated to the relevant author.
  • Ongoing studies and works that do not include the mentioned abstract sections will not be considered for evaluation.
  • Case presentations should aim to share experiences on special and rare cases, contributing to increased awareness. Abstracts that do not serve this purpose and do not adhere to the structured format will not be accepted.
  • Acceptance of papers will be communicated to the author's email address by uploading to the system as 'ACCEPT' or 'REJECT,' based on referee evaluations.
  • To be published in the congress abstract book, accepted papers must have completed congress registration and must have been presented at the congress. Papers not presented will be excluded from the abstract book.

E-Poster Preparation Rules

  • Posters will not be physically displayed at the congress center.
  • E-Poster presentations should be prepared in PowerPoint (PPT) format, with each e-poster presentation consisting of a single slide.
  • E-Poster presentations must adhere to specific dimensions and should be uploaded to the congress page.
  • E-Poster sessions will be held at designated times in poster discussion areas.

Oral Presentation Preparation Rules:

  • PowerPoint (PPT) presentations should be uploaded to the system in areas prepared by the Congress organization, and presentation times should be adhered to.

Regarding Copyright and Publication of Abstracts, copyright and publication permissions related to abstract submission will be transferred to the Society of Turkish Intensivists.